by jamie | Jun 20, 2023 | Customer Experience, Moment of Truth
Imagine a world where you don’t need to be wealthy to experience luxury service. A world where your name was used, where your preferences were known, and everything was offered in a proactive fashion. Regardless of your socio-economic status. Imagine a world...
by jamie | Apr 28, 2023 | Customer Experience, Employee Engagement
Upon waking up on the final morning of our Spring Break trip, we noticed the lights flickering on and off in our hotel room. It was early, around 7am, and we wondered if the hotel was performing necessary maintenance while most of their leisure guests were still...
by jamie | Mar 22, 2023 | Customer Experience, Service recovery
Frequently restaurants have a policy where incomplete parties will not be seated. This was the case at the restaurant where I dined over Valentine’s Day weekend. But sometimes, as you’ll see outlined below, it is necessary to embrace the gray and go off...
by jamie | Dec 13, 2022 | Customer Experience
Two notable (and expensive) restaurants, a block from each other, left us with very different emotions on back-to-back weekends. Restaurant 1: · Empathetic hostess when difficulty with parking made us late.· Smiling server “held our hand” and showcased passion, joy...
by jamie | Dec 1, 2022 | Customer Experience
This is me. From the perspective of the diner who chose to forgo their dinner and instead sketch me as I was dining with my family. It was awkward and completely detracted from my enjoyment of my meal and time with my husband and daughter. Was this...
by jamie | Nov 1, 2022 | Customer Experience, Personalized Service, Service recovery
Last week I attended my cousin’s wedding in Denver, CO and it was the first plane travel I’ve had in years. One of the many things I absolutely love about travel is the opportunity to observe and experience numerous customer touch points in an accelerated...