by jamie | Feb 22, 2021 | Empowerment, Service recovery
I understand why policies exist. I write policies for companies. But sometimes policies are made to be broken. All I needed was a gift certificate, a simple paper gift certificate for a silent auction at my 20th high school reunion. I was on the planning committee...
by jamie | Apr 21, 2015 | Culture Shift, Employee Engagement, Empowerment
I love sharing my wisdom on service excellence and on the importance for management to motivate and train front line staff. Over the last month, I have been facilitating interactive training seminars all over the region, to rooms full of executives, managers and...
by jamie | Mar 22, 2015 | Customer Experience, Empowerment
The best way to create job security is to be able to successfully do everyone’s job around you, even the job of your superiors. Although this “I can do it all” mentality might seem like a threat to other colleagues in the workplace, when it comes to satisfying...
by jamie | Feb 22, 2015 | Customer Experience, Empowerment
Front line employees are the face of any hospitality business, but management is ultimately responsible for establishing and maintaining a high standard of excellence. The only way to achieve successful buy-in and consistent performance from an entire...