Ever since I was a little girl I’ve been captivated by Julie Andrews and The Sound of Music.  Coincidentally in the last few weeks when it felt like so many professional doors were closing, I kept searching for an open window, and surprisingly one would appear!   

When I lost out on a city contract that I really wanted, I then found out that I had been invited for an interview for another city contract that was an even better fit! 

When I received a “no” from a prominent hospitality influencer when I asked them for a praise quote for my memoir, I subsequently scored three genuine yeses from others.

When I visited an independent bookshop only to be met by a gatekeeper who wanted nothing to do with my book, a patron in line, who overheard everything, engaged me in conversation about having her book club read my book as they love to support local authors.

When I received some jarring book feedback from an industry reviewer, an unexpected review from another source, that was glowing, suddenly appeared.  Lesson learned – you can’t please everyone!    

I don’t believe the Lord, as referenced by Julie Andrews in the film, had anything to do with all these windows opening – just sheer grit and determination and a little luck.

It is inevitable that things are not always going to go my way.  In fact, they frequently don’t.  I just keep putting one foot in front of the other and good things are bound to happen. 

When have you experienced a door closing and a window opening?